


Mental and behavioral health disorders

Since 1961 the Carbonell Institute has been the center of reference in Mallorca for the evaluation and diagnosis of all mental health and behavioral disorders in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. From the most common, such as anxiety and depression, to the ones we have highlighted in this section.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are characterized by a change in habits related to the ingestion of food that have as a consequence an alteration in the absorption of food and that imply an impact on both health and social life. Although there are several types of eating disorders, such as rumination, pica and binge eating, the ones that are most relevant due to their severity are anorexia and bulimia.

Hyperactivity disorder

ADHD is a disorder that affects 5% of people of school age. Children with ADHD are very restless and impulsive, and have trouble paying attention and concentrating. Despite trying, they are unable to listen properly, to organize their tasks, to follow complex instructions, to work or play as a team. They are usually restless children, always on the move, unable to sit for long or with constant restlessness.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a disorder in which people have mood swings that alternate between periods of depression and expansive or irritable mood.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) was considered until a few years ago as a rare psychiatric illness that does not respond to treatment. It is currently recognized as a common problem that affects 2 percent of the population.

Depressive disorders

It is quite common for people to use the concept "being depressed" as a synonym for being sad or having a low mood. Although colloquially accepted, we must understand that feeling this way from time to time is part of the normal mood swings. To be able to consider that we are really facing depression, a series of criteria must be met and depending on these we can classify ourselves into one or another disorder.

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety plays an adaptive role in our lives and is a useful response in certain situations, as it prepares us to face danger. However, when anxiety occurs in situations that are not dangerous, is disproportionate and significantly interferes with our day to day, we can say that we are facing an anxiety disorder.
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