Depression is a condition of the brain. There are many causes, including genes, environmental, psychological, and biochemical factors. Depression usually begins between the ages of 15 and 30 and is much more common in women. Women can also have postpartum depression after giving birth. Some people have seasonal affective disorder in the winter. There are effective treatments for depression that include antidepressants and psychotherapy. Most people get better faster if they use both. Low self-esteem is common with depression, as are sudden outbursts of anger and lack of pleasure in activities that normally make you happy, including sexual activity. Depressed children may not have the classic symptoms of adult depression. Watch especially for changes in school performance, sleep, and behavior. If you think your child might be depressed, it's worth checking with the doctor. The main types of depression include: Major depression: 5 or more symptoms from the list above must be present for at least two weeks to diagnose this type of depression. Major depression tends to continue for at least 6 months without treatment. (You are said to have minor depression if you have fewer than 5 of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks. Minor depression is similar to major or severe depression, except that the former only has 2 to 4 symptoms.) Atypical depression: it occurs in about a third of patients with depression. Symptoms include overeating and sleeping. You may feel like you are overburdened and become very distressed by the rejection.Dysthymia - A milder form of depression that lasts for years without treatment Other common forms of depression include: Postpartum depression - many women feel somewhat depressed after having a baby, but true postpartum depression is more severe and includes the symptoms of major depression Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PDD) - depressive symptoms that occur a week before menstruation and disappear after menstruation.Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): occurs most often during the fall and winter seasons and disappears during spring and summer, most likely due to lack of sunlight. Depression can also alternate with mania (known as manic depression or bipolar disorder). Depression may be more common in women than in men, although this may be because women are more likely to seek help for this problem. Depression is also more common during the teenage years. At the Carbonell Institute you can find your psychiatrist in Palma de Mallorca, where Dr. Jose Carbonell and his team of psychiatrists and psychologists will advise you on the appropriate treatment for your needs.